Saturday 28 April 2012

Prototype Presentation

Hasil daripada Prototype Presentation, banyak komen yang kami dapat. Ini boleh dikatakan formatif evaluation / peer evaluation. Antaranya ada di bawah ini. Kami akan cuba perbaiki kelemahan kami.

Weakness found from formative/peer evaluation
Template is not so standard for every main scenes for activities
Inappropriate background colour with text colour.
Sound system is not functioning well.
Exit the system when exit button is clicked.
Confusion for user in the 'Let's Write' activity.

Sunday 8 April 2012


This is our storyboard. Lebih mudah untuk kita Develop bila dah ada storyboard..Sebelum tu, kena siapkan template so semua seragam..

Sunday 1 April 2012


This is the flowchart that will be used in developing our courseware.

  • Main Menu will consist of six buttons which represent different activities. 
  • User may click on the desire button to do the activity. 
  • In order for user to go from one activity to another, they need to go back to Main Menu. 
  • Users can only exit the system from Main Menu.

The Document Design

The Document Design

Inilah bahagian yang paling kritikal dan susah..Lagi susah dari Develop..Memang betul pn..Jadi kumpulan kami menghasilkan Document Design ni dgn bantuan tunjuk ajar dan nota-nota dari Dr. Jamal..

Manifestation of Constructivist & Cognitive Theory in the Learning Environment
Elements of :
Guidelines for implementation
Manifestation in learning environment


A: Parents Occupation
1.      Learning is a search of meaning
2.      Learning is a social activity
3.      Learning is contextual
- Textbook Form 2
- Ask expert teacher in English.
- Search the meaning in internet.

-          Starting the lesson with poem or song about occupations.
-          Boy asks his friend about what topic to discuss.
-          After that, his friend answers the question.
(simple animation)

Let’s Spell

B:Listening and Spelling
1.      Learning is an active process in which the learner uses sensory input and constructs meaning out of it.

2.      One needs knowledge to learn

-          Get from internet (sound / video)

-          Students listen the word from courseware.
-          For every word that listens, need to spell and type the word correctly in the text field provided. ( Observation from English teacher)
-          Response from APA (animated pedagogy agent)
-          Sound / motivating

Let’s Do

C:Comprehension & Vocabulary
1.      People learn to learn as they learn

2.      Learning is a search of meaning.

-       Textbook Form 2
-       Exercise book
-          Match every picture with the correct sentences. (Drag & Drop)
-          When done, students read and understand the whole text
-          MCQ questions to test understanding

-          From the above sentences, choose the correct synonym or antonym. (Text Entry)


Let’s Wh Words

1.      Meaning requires understanding wholes as well as parts.

2.      The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning, not just memorize the “right” answers and regurgitate someone else’s meaning

-          References Book
-          Text Book (Form 2)
-          Exercise Book
-          Picture from Internet

-          Given a dialog between 2 students
-          Students need to choose the correct answer (Wh question) from the combo box to complete the dialog.


Let’s Write

E:Jumble Task
1.      One needs knowledge to learn
2.      Transfer Effects

-          Text Book (Form 2)
-          Exercise Book

-          Arrange the jumbled words to make a complete sentence.
-          Rewrite the correct sentence (Text Entry)


Let’s Learn More

F: Guess Me?
1.      One needs knowledge to learn
2.      Meaning requires understanding as well as parts.
-          Poem / song from internet
-          Give a poem/song about the occupation
-          Guess the name of occupation (text entry)